- Viewer v3.x - v5.x API
- /connections API
- /connections/csv API
- /crons API
- /cron API
- /user/:key API
- /cron/:key API
- /histories API
- /history/:id API
- /hunt API
- /hunts API
- /hunt/:id API
- /hunt/:id/cancel API
- /hunt/:id/pause API
- /hunt/:id/play API
- /hunt/:id/removefromsessions API
- /hunt/:id API
- /hunt/:id/users API
- /hunt/:id/user/:user API
- /fields API
- /files API
- /valueactions API
- /fieldactions API
- /reversedns API
- /upload API
- /clusters API
- /remoteclusters API
- /appinfo API
- /buildquery API
- /sessions API
- /sessions/csv API
- /spiview API
- /spigraph API
- /spigraphhierarchy API
- /unique API
- /multiunique API
- /session/:nodeName/:id/detail API
- /session/:nodeName/:id/packets API
- /sessions/addtags API
- /sessions/removetags API
- /session/:nodeName/:id/body/:bodyType/:bodyNum/:bodyName API
- /session/:nodeName/:id/bodypng/:bodyType/:bodyNum/:bodyName API
- /sessions/pcap API
- /sessions/pcapng API
- /session/entire/:nodeName/:id/pcap API
- /session/raw/:nodeName/:id/png API
- /session/raw/:nodeName/:id API
- /sessions/bodyhash/:hash API
- /session/:nodeName/:id/bodyhash/:hash API
- /delete API
- /shortcuts API
- /shortcut API
- /shortcut/:id API
- /shortcut/:id API
- /eshealth API
- /stats API
- /dstats API
- /esstats API
- /esindices API
- /esindices/:index API
- /esindices/:index/optimize API
- /esindices/:index/close API
- /esindices/:index/open API
- /esindices/:index/shrink API
- /estasks API
- /estasks/:id/cancel API
- /estasks/:id/cancelwith API
- /estasks/cancelall API
- /esadmin API
- /esadmin/set API
- /esadmin/reroute API
- /esadmin/flush API
- /esadmin/unflood API
- /esadmin/clearcache API
- /esshards API
- /esshards/:type/:value/exclude API
- /esshards/:type/:value/include API
- /esshards/:index/:shard/delete API
- /esrecovery API
- /parliament API
- /user/css API
- /user/settings API
- /user/settings API
- /user/layouts/:type API
- /user/layouts/:type API
- /user/layouts/:type API
- /user/layouts/:type/:name API
- /user/:userId/acknowledge API
- /user/state/:name API
- /user/state/:name API
- /user/config/:page API
- /views API
- /view API
- /view/:id API
- /view/:id API
- ArkimeQuery Type
- History Type
- Hunt Type
- SessionsQuery Parameter List
- Shortcut Type
- ESHealth Type
- ArkimeRole Type
- ArkimeUser Type
- ArkimeSettings Type
- ArkimeColumnLayout Type
- ArkimeInfoColumnLayout Type
- ArkimeView Type
Viewer v3.x - v5.x API
This API is not final and is subject to change.
This is the documentation for version 3.x - 5.x. Here is the the API for previous versions.
Arkime uses digest authentication for all API calls, so make sure you enable that in your library or curl command. The easiest way to learn how to make API calls is to open up your browser’s javascript console and observe the calls the Arkime UI is making, it uses all the same APIs.
Note: Many of the API endpoints require a db field name, which is not the same as what you would use in a search expression. The easiest way to see database field names is to click the owl within Arkime -> click the fields label on left -> click display the database fields.
/connections API
POST/GET - /api/connections
Builds an elasticsearch connections query. Gets a list of nodes and links and returns them to the client.
Param | Type | Default | Description |
See_List | SessionsQuery |
This API supports a common set of parameters documented in the SessionsQuery section | |
srcField | string |
"ip.src" |
The source database field name |
dstField | string |
"ip.dst:port" |
The destination database field name |
baselineDate | number |
0 |
The baseline date range to compare connections against. Default is 0, disabled. Options include: 1x - 1 times query range. 2x - 2 times query range. 4x - 4 times query range. 6x - 6 times query range. 8x - 8 times query range. 10x - 10 times query range. 1 - 1 hour. 6 - 6 hours. 24 - 1 day. 48 - 2 days. 72 - 3 days. 168 - 1 week. 336 - 2 weeks. 720 - 1 month. 1440 - 2 months. 4380 - 6 months. 8760 - 1 year. |
baselineVis | string |
"all" |
Which connections to display when a baseline date range is applied. Default is all. Options include: ‘all’ - All Nodes: all nodes are visible. ‘actual’ - Actual Nodes: nodes present in the “current” timeframe query results are visible. ‘actualold’ - Baseline Nodes: nodes present in the “baseline” timeframe query results are visible. ‘new’ - New Nodes Only: nodes present in the “current” but NOT the “baseline” timeframe are visible. ‘old’ - Baseline Nodes Only: nodes present in the “baseline” but NOT the “current” timeframe are visible. |
Name | Type | Description |
links | array |
The list of links |
nodes | array |
The list of nodes |
/connections/csv API
POST/GET - /api/connections/csv OR /api/connections.csv
Builds an elasticsearch connections query. Gets a list of nodes and links in csv format and returns them to the client.
Param | Type | Default | Description |
See_List | SessionsQuery |
This API supports a common set of parameters documented in the SessionsQuery section | |
srcField | string |
"ip.src" |
The source database field name |
dstField | string |
"ip.dst:port" |
The destination database field name |
Name | Type | Description |
csv | csv |
The csv with the connections requested |
/crons API
GET - /api/crons
Retrieves periodic queries a user can view.
Name | Type | Description |
queries | Array.<ArkimeQuery> |
A list of query objects. |
/cron API
POST - /api/cron
Create a new periodic query.
Name | Type | Description |
success | boolean |
Whether the create operation was successful. |
text | string |
The success/error message to (optionally) display to the user. |
query | ArkimeQuery |
The new query |
/user/:key API
POST - /api/cron/:key
Update a periodic query.
Name | Type | Description |
success | boolean |
Whether the update operation was successful. |
text | string |
The success/error message to (optionally) display to the user. |
query | ArkimeQuery |
The updated query object |
/cron/:key API
DELETE - /api/cron/:key
Delete a periodic query.
Name | Type | Description |
success | boolean |
Whether the delete operation was successful. |
text | string |
The success/error message to (optionally) display to the user. |
/histories API
GET - /api/histories
Retrieves a list of histories, or user client requests to the APIs.
Param | Type | Default | Description |
date | number |
1 |
The number of hours of data to return (-1 means all data). Defaults to 1. |
startTime | number |
If the date parameter is not set, this is the start time of data to return. Format is seconds since Unix EPOC. | |
stopTime | number |
If the date parameter is not set, this is the stop time of data to return. Format is seconds since Unix EPOC. | |
searchTerm | string |
The search text to filter the history list by. | |
length | number |
100 |
The number of items to return. Defaults to 1,000. |
start | number |
0 |
The entry to start at. Defaults to 0. |
sortField | string |
"timestamp" |
The field to sort the results by. |
desc | string |
true |
Whether to sort the results descending or ascending. Default is descending. |
userId | string |
The ID of a user to request history results for. Admin can retrieve all users. Normal users can only retrieve their own. |
Name | Type | Description |
data | Array.<History> |
The list of history results. |
recordsTotal | number |
The total number of history results stored. |
recordsFiltered | number |
The number of history items returned in this result. |
/history/:id API
DELETE - /api/history/:id
Deletes a history entry (admin only).
Param | Type | Description |
index | string |
The OpenSearch/Elasticsearch index that the history item was stored in. |
Name | Type | Description |
success | boolean |
Whether the delete history operation was successful. |
text | string |
The success/error message to (optionally) display to the user. |
/hunt API
POST - /api/hunt
Creates a new hunt.
Param | Type | Description |
See_List | SessionsQuery |
This API supports a common set of parameters documented in the SessionsQuery section |
totalSessions | number |
The number of sessions to search. |
name | string |
The name of the hunt (not unique). |
size | number |
The number of packets to search within each session. |
src | boolean |
Whether to search the source packets. Must search src or dst or both. |
dst | boolean |
Whether to search the destination packets. Must search src or dst or both. |
type | string |
Whether to search raw or reassembled packets. |
search | string |
The search text to search for within packets. |
searchType | string |
What type of search the text is. Options include: ascii - search for case insensitive ascii text. asciicase - search for case sensitive ascii text. hex - search for hex text. regex - search for text using safe regex. hexregex - search for text using safe hex regex. |
notifier | string |
The optional notifier name to fire when there is an error, or there are matches (every 10 minutes), or when the hunt is complete. |
users | string |
The comma separated list of users to be added to the hunt so they can view the results. |
Name | Type | Description |
success | boolean |
Whether the creation of the hunt was successful. |
hunt | Hunt |
The newly created hunt object. |
invalidUsers | array |
The list of users that could not be added to the hunt because they were invalid or nonexitent. |
/hunts API
GET - /api/hunts
Retrieves a list of hunts.
Param | Type | Default | Description |
searchTerm | string |
The search text to search hunt results for. | |
length | number |
10000 |
The number of items to return. Defaults to 10000. |
start | number |
0 |
The entry to start at. Defaults to 0 |
sortField | string |
"created" |
The field to sort the hunt results by. Defaults to “created”. |
desc | string |
false |
Whether to sort the results in descending order. Default is ascending. |
history | string |
false |
Whether to return only finished hunts. Default is to return queued, paused, and running hunts. |
Name | Type | Description |
runningJob | Hunt |
If there is a hunt running, returns the currently running hunt object. |
data | Array.<Hunt> |
The list of hunts (either finished or queued/paused/running). |
recordsTotal | number |
The total number of hunts Arkime has. |
recordsFiltered | number |
The number of hunts returned in this result. |
/hunt/:id API
DELETE - /api/hunt/:id
Delete a hunt.
Name | Type | Description |
success | boolean |
Whether the delete hunt operation was successful. |
text | string |
The success/error message to (optionally) display to the user. |
/hunt/:id/cancel API
PUT - /api/hunt/:id/cancel
Cancel a hunt. Finishes the hunt and puts it into the hunt history.
Name | Type | Description |
success | boolean |
Whether the cancel hunt operation was successful. |
text | string |
The success/error message to (optionally) display to the user. |
/hunt/:id/pause API
PUT - /api/hunt/:id/pause
Pause a hunt.
Name | Type | Description |
success | boolean |
Whether the pause hunt operation was successful. |
text | string |
The success/error message to (optionally) display to the user. |
/hunt/:id/play API
PUT - /api/hunt/:id/play
Play a hunt.
Name | Type | Description |
success | boolean |
Whether the play hunt operation was successful. |
text | string |
The success/error message to (optionally) display to the user. |
/hunt/:id/removefromsessions API
PUT - /api/hunt/:id/removefromsessions
Remove the hunt ID and name from matched sessions.
Name | Type | Description |
success | boolean |
Whether the operation was successful. |
text | string |
The success/error message to (optionally) display to the user. |
/hunt/:id API
PUT - /api/hunt/:id
Update a hunt - can only update description & roles
Param | Type | Description |
hunt | Hunt |
The new hunt data |
Name | Type | Description |
success | boolean |
Whether the operation was successful. |
text | string |
The success/error message to (optionally) display to the user. |
/hunt/:id/users API
POST - /api/hunt/:id/users
Add user(s) to a hunt.
Param | Type | Description |
users | string |
Comma separated list of user ids to add to the hunt. |
Name | Type | Description |
success | boolean |
Whether the add users operation was successful. |
users | array |
The list of users that were added to the hunt. |
invalidUsers | array |
The list of users that could not be added to the hunt because they were invalid or nonexitent. |
/hunt/:id/user/:user API
DELETE - /api/hunt/:id/user/:user
Remove user(s) from a hunt.
Name | Type | Description |
success | boolean |
Whether the remove users operation was successful. |
users | array |
The list of users who have access to the hunt. |
invalidUsers | array |
The list of users that could not be removed from the hunt because they were invalid or nonexitent. |
/fields API
GET - /api/fields
Gets available database field objects pertaining to sessions.
Param | Type | Default | Description |
array | boolean |
false |
Whether to return an array of fields, otherwise returns a map |
Name | Type | Description |
array/map |
The map or list of database fields |
/files API
GET - /api/files
Gets a list of PCAP files that Arkime knows about.
Param | Type | Default | Description |
length | number |
100 |
The number of items to return. Defaults to 500, Max is 10,000 |
start | number |
0 |
The entry to start at. Defaults to 0 |
Name | Type | Description |
data | Array |
The list of files |
recordsTotal | number |
The total number of files Arkime knows about |
recordsFiltered | number |
The number of files returned in this result |
/valueactions API
GET - /api/valueactions
Retrives the actions that can be preformed on meta data values.
Name | Type | Description |
object |
The list of actions that can be preformed on data values. |
/fieldactions API
GET - /api/fieldactions
Retrives the actions that can be preformed on fields.
Name | Type | Description |
object |
The list of actions that can be preformed on fields. |
/reversedns API
GET - /api/reversedns
Retrives the domain names associated with an IP address.
Param | Type | Description |
ip | string |
The IP to search domain names for. |
Name | Type | Description |
domains | string |
A comma separated string list of all the matching domain names. |
/upload API
POST - /api/upload
Uploads PCAP files to Arkime. This API is really only useful for demo sites and very special cases. Instead you almost always should just run capture locally, which will be much more efficient and not duplicate the PCAP. See https://arkime.com/faq#how-do-i-import-existing-pcaps
Param | Type | Description |
tags | string |
A comma separated list of tags to add to each session created. |
/clusters API
GET - /api/clusters
Retrieves a list of known configured Arkime clusters (if in Mulit Viewer mode).
Name | Type | Description |
active | Array |
The active Arkime clusters. |
inactive | Array |
The inactive Arkime clusters. |
/remoteclusters API
GET - /api/remoteclusters
Retrieves a list of known configured remote Arkime clusters.
Name | Type | Description |
remoteclusters | Object |
Key/value pairs of remote Arkime clusters, the key being the name of the cluster |
/appinfo API
GET - /api/appinfo
Retrieves information that the app uses on every page: eshealth, currentuser, views, remoteclusters, clusters, fields, fieldsmap, fieldshistory
Name | Type | Description |
eshealth | ESHealth |
The OpenSearch/Elasticsearch cluster health status and information. |
currentuser | ArkimeUser |
The currently logged in user |
views | Array.<ArkimeView> |
A list of views accessible to the logged in user |
remoteclusters | Object |
A list of known remote Arkime clusters |
clusters | Array |
A list of known configured Arkime clusters (if in Mulit Viewer mode) |
fields | Array |
Available database field objects pertaining to sessions |
fieldsmap | Array |
Available database field objects pertaining to sessions |
fieldshistory | Object |
The user’s field history for the search expression input |
/buildquery API
POST/GET - /api/buildquery
This API allows you to build the query that Arkime viewer would use so you can use yourself against OpenSearch/Elasticsearch.
Param | Type | Description |
See_List | SessionsQuery |
This API supports a common set of parameters documented in the SessionsQuery section |
Name | Type | Description |
query | object |
The elasticsearch query |
indices | object |
The elasticsearch indices that contain sessions in this query |
Returns the OpenSearch/Elasticsearch query for all the sessions with the source IP of
curl -v 'http://localhost:8005/api/buildquery?date=-1&expression=ip.src%3D%3D1.2.3.4'
/sessions API
POST/GET - /api/sessions OR /sessions.json
Return all the JSON formatted session data based on the query parameters.
Param | Type | Description |
See_List | SessionsQuery |
This API supports a common set of parameters documented in the SessionsQuery section |
Name | Type | Description |
map | object |
The data to populate the sessions map |
graph | object |
The data to populate the sessions timeline graph |
data | array |
The list of sessions with the requested fields |
recordsTotal | number |
The total number of sessions Arkime knows about |
recordsFiltered | number |
The number of sessions matching query |
Returns all the sessions with the source IP of
curl -v 'http://localhost:8005/api/sessions?date=-1&expression=ip.src%3D%3D1.2.3.4'
/sessions/csv API
POST/GET - /api/sessions/csv OR /sessions.csv
Return all the JSON formatted session data based on the query parameters.
Param | Type | Description |
ids | string |
Comma separated list of sessions to retrieve |
See_List | SessionsQuery |
This API supports a common set of parameters documented in the SessionsQuery section |
Name | Type | Description |
csv | csv |
The csv with the sessions requested |
Returns all the sessions with the source IP of
curl -v 'http://localhost:8005/api/sessions/csv?date=-1&expression=ip.src%3D%3D1.2.3.4'
/spiview API
POST/GET - /api/spiview
Builds an elasticsearch session query. Gets a list of field values with counts and returns them to the client.
Param | Type | Description |
See_List | SessionsQuery |
This API supports a common set of parameters documented in the SessionsQuery section |
spi | string |
Comma separated list of db fields to return. Optionally can be followed by :{count} to specify the number of values returned for the field (defaults to 100). |
Name | Type | Description |
map | object |
The data to populate the sessions map |
graph | object |
The data to populate the sessions timeline graph |
spi | object |
The list of spi fields with values and counts |
protocols | object |
The list of protocols with counts |
recordsTotal | number |
The total number of sessions Arkime knows about |
recordsFiltered | number |
The number of sessions matching query |
Returns first 100 unique values for the destination.ip field for last 10 hours
curl -v 'http://localhost:8005/api/spiview?spi=destination.ip:200&date=10
/spigraph API
POST/GET - /api/spigraph
Builds an elasticsearch session query. Gets a list of values for a field with counts and graph data and returns them to the client.
Param | Type | Default | Description |
See_List | SessionsQuery |
This API supports a common set of parameters documented in the SessionsQuery section | |
exp | string |
The expression field to return data for. Either exp or field is required, field is given priority if both are present. | |
field | string |
"node" |
The database field to return data for. Either exp or field is required, field is given priority if both are present. |
Name | Type | Description |
map | object |
The data to populate the main/aggregate spigraph sessions map |
graph | object |
The data to populate the main/aggregate spigraph sessions timeline graph |
items | array |
The list of field values with their corresponding timeline graph and map data |
recordsTotal | number |
The total number of sessions Arkime knows about |
recordsFiltered | number |
The number of sessions matching query |
/spigraphhierarchy API
POST/GET - /api/spigraphhierarchy
Builds an elasticsearch session query. Gets a list of values for each field with counts and returns them to the client.
Param | Type | Default | Description |
See_List | SessionsQuery |
This API supports a common set of parameters documented in the SessionsQuery section | |
exp | string |
Comma separated list of db fields to populate the graph/table. | |
strictly | boolean |
false |
When set the entire session must be inside the date range to be observed, otherwise if it overlaps it is displayed. Overwrites the bounding parameter, sets bonding to ‘both’ |
Name | Type | Description |
hierarchicalResults | object |
The nested data to populate the treemap or pie |
tableResults | array |
The list data to populate the table |
/unique API
POST/GET - /api/unique
Builds an elasticsearch session query. Gets a list of unique field values (with or without counts) and sends them to the client.
Param | Type | Default | Description |
See_List | SessionsQuery |
This API supports a common set of parameters documented in the SessionsQuery section | |
counts | number |
0 |
Whether to return counts with he list of unique field values. Defaults to 0. 0 = no counts, 1 - counts. |
exp | string |
The expression field to return unique data for. Either exp or field is required, field is given priority if both are present. | |
field | string |
The database field to return unique data for. Either exp or field is required, field is given priority if both are present. |
Name | Type | Description |
string |
The list of unique fields (with counts if requested) |
/multiunique API
POST/GET - /api/multiunique
Builds an elasticsearch session query. Gets an intersection of unique field values (with or without counts) and sends them to the client.
Param | Type | Default | Description |
See_List | SessionsQuery |
This API supports a common set of parameters documented in the SessionsQuery section | |
counts | number |
0 |
Whether to return counts with he list of unique field values. Defaults to 0. 0 = no counts, 1 - counts. |
exp | string |
Comma separated list of expression fields to return unique data for. |
Name | Type | Description |
string |
The list of an intersection of unique fields (with counts if requested) |
/session/:nodeName/:id/detail API
GET - /api/session/:nodeName/:id/detail
Gets SPI data for a session.
Name | Type | Description |
html |
The html to display as session detail |
/session/:nodeName/:id/packets API
GET - /api/session/:nodeName/:id/packets
Gets packets for a session.
Name | Type | Description |
html |
The html to display as session packets |
/sessions/addtags API
POST - /api/sessions/addtags
Add tag(s) to individual session(s) by id or by query.
Param | Type | Default | Description |
tags | string |
Comma separated list of tags to add to session(s) | |
ids | string |
Comma separated list of sessions to add tag(s) to | |
See_List | SessionsQuery |
This API supports a common set of parameters documented in the SessionsQuery section | |
segments | string |
"no" |
Whether to add tags to linked session segments. Default is no. Options include: no - Don’t add tags to linked segments all - Add tags to all linked segments time - Add tags to segments occurring in the same time period |
Name | Type | Description |
success | boolean |
Whether the add tags operation was successful |
text | string |
The success/error message to (optionally) display to the user |
/sessions/removetags API
POST - /api/sessions/removetags
Removes tag(s) from individual session(s) by id or by query.
Param | Type | Default | Description |
tags | string |
Comma separated list of tags to remove from session(s) | |
ids | string |
Comma separated list of sessions to remove tag(s) from | |
See_List | SessionsQuery |
This API supports a common set of parameters documented in the SessionsQuery section | |
segments | string |
"no" |
Whether to remove tags from linked session segments. Default is no. Options include: no - Don’t remove tags from linked segments all - Remove tags from all linked segments time - Remove tags from segments occurring in the same time period |
Name | Type | Description |
success | boolean |
Whether the remove tags operation was successful |
text | string |
The success/error message to (optionally) display to the user |
/session/:nodeName/:id/body/:bodyType/:bodyNum/:bodyName API
GET - /api/session/:nodeName/:id/body/:bodyType/:bodyNum/:bodyName
Retrieves a file that was transferred in a session.
Name | Type | Description |
file | file |
The file in the session |
/session/:nodeName/:id/bodypng/:bodyType/:bodyNum/:bodyName API
GET - /api/session/:nodeName/:id/bodypng/:bodyType/:bodyNum/:bodyName
Retrieves a bitmap image representation of the bytes in a file.
Name | Type | Description |
image | image/png |
The bitmap image. |
/sessions/pcap API
GET - /api/sessions/pcap OR /api/sessions.pcap
Retrieve the raw session data in pcap format.
Param | Type | Default | Description |
ids | string |
The list of ids to return sessions for | |
See_List | SessionsQuery |
This API supports a common set of parameters documented in the SessionsQuery section | |
segments | boolean |
false |
When set return linked segments |
Name | Type | Description |
pcap |
A PCAP file with the sessions requested |
Returns pcap for sessions with the source IP of
curl -v 'http://localhost:8005/api/sessions/pcap/anyfilename.pcap?date=-1&expression=ip.src%3D%3D1.2.3.4'
/sessions/pcapng API
GET - /api/sessions/pcapng OR /api/sessions.pcapng
Retrieve the raw session data in pcapng format.
Param | Type | Default | Description |
ids | string |
The list of ids to return sessions for | |
See_List | SessionsQuery |
This API supports a common set of parameters documented in the SessionsQuery section | |
segments | boolean |
false |
When set return linked segments |
Name | Type | Description |
pcap |
A PCAPNG file with the sessions requested |
/session/entire/:nodeName/:id/pcap API
GET - /api/session/entire/:nodeName/:id/pcap OR /api/session/entire/:nodeName/:id.pcap
Retrieve the pcap for a session given the session id and node name.
Name | Type | Description |
pcap |
A PCAP file with the session requested |
/session/raw/:nodeName/:id/png API
GET - /api/session/raw/:nodeName/:id/png OR /api/session/raw/:nodeName/:id.png
Retrieve a bitmap image representation of packets in a session given the session id and node name.
Param | Type | Default | Description |
type | string |
"src" |
Whether to retrieve the src (source) or dst (desintation) packets bitmap image. Defaults to src. |
Name | Type | Description |
image | image/png |
The bitmap image. |
/session/raw/:nodeName/:id API
GET - /api/session/raw/:nodeName/:id
Retrieve raw packets for a session given the session id and node name.
Param | Type | Default | Description |
type | string |
"src" |
Whether to retrieve the src (source) or dst (desintation) raw packets. Defaults to src. |
Name | Type | Description |
string |
The source or destination packet text. |
/sessions/bodyhash/:hash API
GET - /api/sessions/bodyhash/:hash
Retrieve a file given a hash of that file.
Param | Type | Description |
See_List | SessionsQuery |
This API supports a common set of parameters documented in the SessionsQuery section |
Name | Type | Description |
file | file |
The file that matches the hash |
/session/:nodeName/:id/bodyhash/:hash API
GET - /api/session/:nodeName/:id/bodyhash/:hash
Retrieve a file from a specific node given a hash of that file.
Param | Type | Description |
See_List | SessionsQuery |
This API supports a common set of parameters documented in the SessionsQuery section |
Name | Type | Description |
file | file |
The file that matches the hash |
/delete API
GET - /api/delete
Delete SPI and/or scrub PCAP data (remove persmission required).
Param | Type | Default | Description |
ids | string |
Comma separated list of sessions to delete | |
See_List | SessionsQuery |
This API supports a common set of parameters documented in the SessionsQuery section | |
removeSpi | string |
false |
Whether to remove the SPI data. |
removePcap | string |
true |
Whether to remove the PCAP data. |
Name | Type | Description |
success | boolean |
Whether the operation was successful |
text | string |
The success/error message to (optionally) display to the user |
/shortcuts API
GET - /api/shortcuts
Retrieves a list of shortcuts.
Param | Type | Default | Description |
map | string |
false |
Whether to return a list or a map. Default is list. |
sort | string |
"name" |
The field to sort the results by. |
desc | string |
true |
Whether to sort the results descending or ascending. Default is descending. |
searchTerm | string |
The search text to filter the shortcut list by. | |
length | number |
50 |
The number of items to return. Defaults to 50. |
start | number |
0 |
The entry to start at. Defaults to 0. |
fieldType | string |
Filter the results by type (number, ip, or string). | |
fieldFormat | string |
false |
Sends a help field with the shortcut with the description + the values of the shortcut. |
Name | Type | Description |
data | Array.<Shortcut> |
The list of shortcut results. |
recordsTotal | number |
The total number of shortcut results stored. |
recordsFiltered | number |
The number of shortcut items returned in this result. |
/shortcut API
POST - /api/shortcut
Creates a new shortcut.
Param | Type | Description |
name | string |
The name of the new shortcut. |
type | string |
The type of the shortcut (number, ip, or string). |
value | string |
The shortcut value. |
description | string |
The optional description of this shortcut. |
users | string |
A comma separated list of users that can view this shortcut. |
roles | Array |
The roles that can view this shortcut. |
Name | Type | Description |
shortcut | Shortcut |
The new shortcut object. |
success | boolean |
Whether the create shortcut operation was successful. |
/shortcut/:id API
PUT - /api/shortcut/:id
Updates a shortcut.
Param | Type | Description |
name | string |
The name of the shortcut. |
type | string |
The type of the shortcut (number, ip, or string). |
value | string |
The shortcut value. |
description | string |
The optional description of this shortcut. |
users | string |
A comma separated list of users that can view this shortcut. |
roles | Array |
The roles that can view this shortcut. |
editRoles | Array |
The roles that can edit this shortcut. |
Name | Type | Description |
shortcut | Shortcut |
The updated shortcut object. |
success | boolean |
Whether the update operation was successful. |
text | string |
The success/error message to (optionally) display to the user. |
/shortcut/:id API
DELETE - /api/shortcut/:id
Deletes a shortcut.
Name | Type | Description |
success | boolean |
Whether the delete shortcut operation was successful. |
text | string |
The success/error message to (optionally) display to the user. |
/eshealth API
GET - /api/eshealth
Retrieve OpenSearch/Elasticsearch health and stats There is no auth necessary to retrieve eshealth
Name | Type | Description |
health | ESHealth |
The elasticsearch cluster health status and info |
/stats API
GET - /api/stats
Fetches a list of stats for each node in the cluster.
Param | Type | Default | Description |
filter | string |
Search text to filter the list of nodes by. | |
length | number |
500 |
The number of nodes to return. Defaults to 500. |
start | number |
0 |
The entry to start at. Defaults to 0. |
sortField | string |
"nodeName" |
The field to sort the node list by. |
desc | string |
false |
Whether to return the results in descending order. Defaults to “false”. |
hide | string |
Which nodes to exclude from the results. Options include: none - show all nodes. old - hide out of date nodes (nodes whose current time is behind by at least 5 minutes). nosession - hide nodes without sessions. both - hide out of date nodes and nodes without sessions. |
Name | Type | Description |
data | array |
List of nodes with their corresponding stats. |
recordsTotal | number |
The total number of nodes. |
recordsFiltered | number |
The number of nodes returned in this result. |
/dstats API
GET - /api/dstats
Fetches a list of detailed stats for different fields pertaining to a node to populate a cubism graph. Cubism GitHub
Param | Type | Default | Description |
nodeName | string |
The name of the node to get the detailed stats for. | |
name | string |
The name of the field to get the detailed stats for. | |
start | number |
The start time of data to return. Format is seconds since Unix EPOC. | |
stop | number |
The stop time of data to return. Format is seconds since Unix EPOC. | |
step | number |
The context step of the cubism graph in milliseconds. | |
interval | number |
60 |
The time interval to search for. |
size | number |
1440 |
The size of the cubism graph. Defaults to 1440. |
Name | Type | Description |
array |
List of values to populate the cubism graph. |
/esstats API
GET - /api/esstats
Fetches a list of stats for each OpenSearch/Elasticsearch cluster.
Param | Type | Default | Description |
filter | string |
Search text to filter the list of OpenSearch/Elasticsearch clusters by. | |
sortField | string |
"nodeName" |
The field to sort the OpenSearch/Elasticsearch clusters list by. |
desc | string |
false |
Whether to return the results in descending order. Defaults to “false”. |
Name | Type | Description |
data | array |
List of ES clusters with their corresponding stats. |
recordsTotal | number |
The total number of ES clusters. |
recordsFiltered | number |
The number of ES clusters returned in this result. |
/esindices API
GET - /api/esindices
Fetches a list of OpenSearch/Elasticsearch indices.
Param | Type | Default | Description |
filter | string |
Search text to filter the list of OpenSearch/Elasticsearch indices by. | |
sortField | string |
"index" |
The field to sort the OpenSearch/Elasticsearch indices list by. |
desc | string |
false |
Whether to return the results in descending order. Defaults to “false”. |
Name | Type | Description |
data | array |
List of ES indices with their corresponding stats. |
recordsTotal | number |
The total number of ES indices. |
recordsFiltered | number |
The number of ES indices returned in this result. |
/esindices/:index API
DELETE - /api/esindices/:index
Deletes an OpenSearch/Elasticsearch index (admin and remove access only).
Name | Type | Description |
success | boolean |
Whether the delete index operation was successful. |
text | string |
The success/error message to (optionally) display to the user. |
/esindices/:index/optimize API
POST - /api/esindices/:index/optimize
Optimizes an OpenSearch/Elasticsearch index (admin only).
Name | Type | Description |
success | boolean |
Always true, the optimizeIndex function might block. Check the logs for errors. |
/esindices/:index/close API
POST - /api/esindices/:index/close
Closes an OpenSearch/Elasticsearch index (admin only).
Name | Type | Description |
success | boolean |
Whether the close index operation was successful. |
text | string |
The success/error message to (optionally) display to the user. |
/esindices/:index/open API
POST - /api/esindices/:index/open
Opens an OpenSearch/Elasticsearch index (admin only).
Name | Type | Description |
success | boolean |
Always true, the openIndex function might block. Check the logs for errors. |
/esindices/:index/shrink API
POST - /api/esindices/:index/shrink
Shrinks an OpenSearch/Elasticsearch index (admin only).
Param | Type | Description |
target | string |
The index name to shrink the index to. |
numShards | number |
The number of shards to shrink the index to. |
Name | Type | Description |
success | boolean |
Whether the close shrink operation was successful. |
text | string |
The success/error message to (optionally) display to the user. |
/estasks API
GET - /api/estasks
Fetches OpenSearch/Elasticsearch tasks.
Param | Type | Default | Description |
filter | string |
Search text to filter the list of ES tasks by. | |
cancellable | string |
false |
Whether to return only cancellable tasks. Default is “false”. |
sortField | string |
"action" |
The field to sort the ES task list by. |
desc | string |
false |
Whether to return the results in descending order. Defaults to “false”. |
size | number |
1000 |
The number of ES tasks to return. Defaults to 1000. |
Name | Type | Description |
data | array |
List of ES tasks with their corresponding stats. |
recordsTotal | number |
The total number of ES tasks. |
recordsFiltered | number |
The number of ES tasks returned in this result. |
/estasks/:id/cancel API
POST - /api/estasks/:id/cancel
Cancels an OpenSearch/Elasticsearch task (admin only).
Name | Type | Description |
success | boolean |
Whether the cancel task operation was successful. |
text | string |
The success/error message to (optionally) display to the user. |
/estasks/:id/cancelwith API
POST - /api/estasks/:id/cancelwith
Cancels an OpenSearch/Elasticsearch task by opaque id. Used to cancel running tasks that a user has created allowing a user to cancel their own tasks.
Name | Type | Description |
success | boolean |
Whether the cancel task operation was successful. |
text | string |
The success/error message to (optionally) display to the user. |
/estasks/cancelall API
POST - /api/estasks/cancelall
Cancels all running OpenSearch/Elasticsearch tasks (admin only).
Name | Type | Description |
success | boolean |
Whether the cancel all tasks operation was successful. |
text | string |
The success/error message to (optionally) display to the user. |
/esadmin API
GET - /api/esadmin
Fetches all OpenSearch/Elasticsearch settings that a user can change (es admin only - set in config with esAdminUsers).
Name | Type | Description |
settings | array |
List of ES settings that a user can change |
/esadmin/set API
POST - /api/esadmin/set
Sets OpenSearch/Elasticsearch settings (es admin only - set in config with esAdminUsers).
Name | Type | Description |
success | boolean |
Whether saving the settings was successful. |
text | string |
The success/error message to (optionally) display to the user. |
/esadmin/reroute API
POST - /api/esadmin/reroute
Try to restart any shard migrations that have failed or paused (es admin only - set in config with esAdminUsers).
Name | Type | Description |
success | boolean |
Whether the reroute was successful. |
text | string |
The success/error message to (optionally) display to the user. |
/esadmin/flush API
POST - /api/esadmin/flush
Flush and refresh any data waiting in OpenSearch/Elasticsearch to disk (es admin only - set in config with esAdminUsers).
Name | Type | Description |
success | boolean |
Always true |
text | string |
The success message to (optionally) display to the user. |
/esadmin/unflood API
POST - /api/esadmin/unflood
Try and clear any indices marked as flooded (es admin only - set in config with esAdminUsers).
Name | Type | Description |
success | boolean |
Always true |
text | string |
The success message to (optionally) display to the user. |
/esadmin/clearcache API
POST - /api/esadmin/clearcache
Try and clear the cache for all indices (es admin only - set in config with esAdminUsers).
Name | Type | Description |
success | boolean |
Whether clearing the cache was successful. |
text | string |
The success/error message to (optionally) display to the user. |
/esshards API
GET - /api/esshards
Fetches all OpenSearch/Elasticsearch shards
Param | Type | Default | Description |
filter | string |
Search text to filter the list of OpenSearch/Elasticsearch shards by. | |
show | string |
"all" |
Which types of shard to show. Options include: all - show all shards. notstarted - show unstarted shards. INITIALIZING - show initializing shards. RELOCATING - show relocating shards. UNASSIGNED - show unassigned shards. |
desc | string |
false |
Whether to return the results in descending order. Defaults to “false”. |
Name | Type | Description |
nodes | array |
List of ES data nodes. |
indices | array |
List of ES indices. |
nodeExcludes | array |
List of node names that disallow the allocation of shards. |
ipExcludes | array |
List of node ips that disallow the allocation of shards. |
/esshards/:type/:value/exclude API
POST - /api/esshards/:type/:value/exclude
Exclude OpenSearch/Elasticsearch node by ip or name (admin only).
Name | Type | Description |
success | boolean |
Whether exclude node operation was successful. |
text | string |
The success/error message to (optionally) display to the user. |
/esshards/:type/:value/include API
POST - /api/esshards/:type/:value/include
Include OpenSearch/Elasticsearch node by ip or name (admin only).
Name | Type | Description |
success | boolean |
Whether include node operation was successful. |
text | string |
The success/error message to (optionally) display to the user. |
/esshards/:index/:shard/delete API
POST - /api/esshards/:index/:shard/delete
Delete OpenSearch/Elasticsearch (admin only).
Name | Type | Description |
success | boolean |
Whether include node operation was successful. |
text | string |
The success/error message to (optionally) display to the user. |
/esrecovery API
GET - /api/esrecovery
Returns information about ongoing and completed shard recoveries for indices.
Param | Type | Default | Description |
filter | string |
Search text to filter the list of indices by. | |
sortField | string |
"index" |
The field to sort the indices by. |
desc | string |
false |
Whether to return the results in descending order. Defaults to “false”. |
show | string |
"active" |
Whether to show “all” or “active” recovering indices. |
Name | Type | Description |
data | array |
List of indices with their corresponding stats. |
recordsTotal | number |
The total number of indices. |
recordsFiltered | number |
The number of indices returned in this result. |
/parliament API
GET - /api/parliament
Returns information all the Arkime clusters configured in your Parliament. See the parliament definition here (subject to change).
Name | Type | Description |
data | array |
List of fields that describe the cluster stats. |
recordsTotal | number |
The total number of stats. |
recordsFiltered | number |
The number of stats returned in this result. |
/user/css API
GET - /api/user/css OR /api/user.css
Retrieves custom user css for the user’s custom theme.
Name | Type | Description |
css | css |
The css file that includes user configured styles. |
/user/settings API
GET - /api/user/settings
Retrieves an Arkime user’s settings.
Name | Type | Description |
settings | ArkimeSettings |
The user’s configured settings |
/user/settings API
POST - /api/user/settings
Updates an Arkime user’s settings.
Name | Type | Description |
success | boolean |
Whether the update user settings operation was successful. |
text | string |
The success/error message to (optionally) display to the user. |
/user/layouts/:type API
GET - /api/user/layouts/:type
Retrieves a user configured layouts. Valid layouts are: sessionstable, sessionsinfofields, spiview
Name | Type | Description |
layout | Array |
The user configured layout |
/user/layouts/:type API
POST - /api/user/layouts/:type
Creates a new user configured layout. Valid layouts are: sessionstable, sessionsinfofields, spiview
Name | Type | Description |
success | boolean |
Whether the operation was successful. |
text | string |
The success/error message to (optionally) display to the user. |
layout | object |
The new layout configuration. |
/user/layouts/:type API
PUT - /api/user/layouts/:type
Updates a user configured layout. Valid layouts are: sessionstable, sessionsinfofields, spiview
Name | Type | Description |
success | boolean |
Whether the update layout operation was successful. |
text | string |
The success/error message to (optionally) display to the user. |
layout | object |
The updated layout configuration. |
/user/layouts/:type/:name API
DELETE - /api/user/layouts/:type/:name
Deletes a user configured layout. Valid layouts are: sessionstable, sessionsinfofields, spiview
Name | Type | Description |
success | boolean |
Whether the delete layout operation was successful. |
text | string |
The success/error message to (optionally) display to the user. |
/user/:userId/acknowledge API
PUT - /api/user/:userId/acknowledge
Acknowledges a UI message for a user. Used to display help popups.
Name | Type | Description |
success | boolean |
Whether the operation was successful. |
text | string |
The success/error message to (optionally) display to the user. |
/user/state/:name API
GET - /api/user/state/:name
Retrieves a user table state object. These are used to save the states of tables within the UI (sessions, files, stats, etc).
Name | Type | Description |
tableState | object |
The table state requested. |
/user/state/:name API
POST - /api/user/state/:name
Updates or creates a user table state object. These are used to save the states of tables within the UI (sessions, files, stats, etc).
Name | Type | Description |
success | boolean |
Whether the operation was successful. |
text | string |
The success/error message to (optionally) display to the user. |
/user/config/:page API
GET - /api/user/config/:page
Fetches the configuration/layout information for a UI page for a user.
Name | Type | Description |
object |
config The configuration data for the page |
/views API
GET - /api/views
Retrieves an Arkime views that a user can view.
Name | Type | Description |
views | Array.<ArkimeView> |
A list of views a user has configured or has been shared. |
/view API
POST - /api/view
Creates an Arkime view.
Name | Type | Description |
success | boolean |
Whether the create view operation was successful. |
text | string |
The success/error message to (optionally) display to the user. |
viewName | string |
The name of the new view. |
view | ArkimeView |
The new view data. |
/view/:id API
DELETE - /api/view/:id
Deletes an Arkime view.
Name | Type | Description |
success | boolean |
Whether the delete view operation was successful. |
text | string |
The success/error message to (optionally) display to the user. |
/view/:id API
PUT - /api/view/:id
Updates an Arkime view.
Name | Type | Description |
success | boolean |
Whether the update view operation was successful. |
text | string |
The success/error message to (optionally) display to the user. |
ArkimeQuery Type
A query to be run periodically that can perform actions on sessions that match the queries. The query runs against sessions delayed by 90 seconds to make sure all updates have been completed for that session.
Param | Type | Default | Description |
name | string |
The name of the query | |
enabled | boolean |
Whether the query is enabled. If enabled, the query will run every 90 seconds. | |
lpValue | number |
The last packet timestamp that was searched. Used to query for the next group of sessions to search. Format is seconds since Unix EPOC. | |
lastRun | number |
The time that the query was last run. Format is seconds since Unix EPOC. | |
count | number |
The count of total sessions that have matched this query. | |
lastCount | number |
The count of sessions that have matched this query during its last run. | |
query | string |
The search expression to apply when searching for sessions. | |
action | string |
"tag" |
The action to perform when sessions have matched. “tag” or “forward:clusterName”. |
creator | string |
The id of the user that created this query. | |
tags | string |
A comma separated list of tags to add to each session that matches this query. | |
notifier | string |
The name of the notifier to alert when there are matches for this query. | |
lastNotified | number |
The time that this query last sent a notification to the notifier. Only notifies every 10 minutes. Format is seconds since Unix EPOC. | |
lastNotifiedCount | number |
The count of sessions that matched since the last notification was sent. | |
description | string |
The description of this query. | |
created | number |
The time that this query was created. Format is seconds since Unix EPOC. | |
lastToggled | number |
The time that this query was enabled or disabled. Format is seconds since Unix EPOC. | |
lastToggledBy | string |
The user who last enabled or disabled this query. | |
users | string |
The list of userIds who have access to use this query. | |
roles | string |
The list of roles who have access to use this query. | |
editRoles | string |
The list of roles who have access to edit this query. |
History Type
The history object to describe user client requests.
Param | Type | Description |
uiPage | string |
The client application page that the user accessed to make the request. |
userId | string |
The ID of the user that made the request. |
method | string |
The HTTP method that the request used. |
api | string |
The API endpoint of the request. |
expression | string |
The sessions search expression used in the request. |
view | ArkimeView |
The view applied to the request. |
timestamp | number |
The time that the request was made. Format is seconds since Unix EPOC. |
range | number |
The date range of the request. Range is described in hours, -1 means all. |
query | string |
The query parameters of the request. |
queryTime | number |
The time it took for the response to be returned after the request was issued. |
recordsTotal | number |
The total number of items in the data set. |
recordsFiltered | number |
The number of items returned from searching the dataset (before paging). |
recordsReturned | number |
The number of items returned in the response (after paging). |
body | object |
The request body. |
forcedExpression | string |
The expression applied to the search as a result of a users forced expression. Only visible to admins, normal users cannot see their forced expressions. |
Hunt Type
A packet search job that allows users to search within session packets for text.
Param | Type | Description |
See_List | SessionsQuery |
This API supports a common set of parameters documented in the SessionsQuery section |
Name | Type | Description |
userId | string |
The ID of the user that created the hunt. |
status | string |
The status of the hunt. Options include: queued - The hunt is queued to search packets once the currently running hunt has finished. running - The hunt is currently searching packets. paused - The hunt is paused, either by a user or by error. finished - The hunt has searched all requested sessions. |
name | string |
The name of the hunt (not unique). |
size | number |
The number of packets to search within each session. |
search | string |
The search text to search for within packets. |
searchType | string |
What type of search the text is. Options include: ascii - search for case insensitive ascii text. asciicase - search for case sensitive ascii text. hex - search for hex text. regex - search for text using safe regex. hexregex - search for text using safe hex regex. |
src | boolean |
Whether to search the source packets. Must search src or dst or both. |
dst | boolean |
Whether to search the destination packets. Must search src or dst or both. |
type | string |
Whether to search raw or reassembled packets. |
matchedSessions | number |
How many sessions contain packets that match the search text. |
searchedSessions | number |
How many sessions have had their packets searched. |
totalSessions | number |
The number of sessions to search. |
lastPacketTime | number |
The date of the first packet of the last searched session. Used to query for the next chunk of sessions to search. Format is seconds since Unix EPOC. |
created | number |
The time that the hunt was created. Format is seconds since Unix EPOC. |
lastUpdated | number |
The time that the hunt was last updated in the DB. Used to only update every 2 seconds. Format is seconds since Unix EPOC. |
started | number |
The time that the hunt was started (put into running state). Format is seconds since Unix EPOC. |
errors | array |
The list of errors that a hunt encountered. A hunt error includes: value - The error text to display to the user. time - The time the error was encountered. node - The Arkime node that the hunt was searching sessions for when the error occurred. |
notifier | string |
The otional notifier name to fire when there is an error, or there are matches (every 10 minutes), or when the hunt is complete. |
unrunnable | boolean |
Whether an error has rendered the hunt unrunnable. |
failedSessionIds | array |
The list of sessions that have failed to be searched. Used to run the search against them again once the rest of the hunt is complete. |
users | array |
The list of users to be added to the hunt so they can view the results. |
removed | boolean |
Whether the hunt name and ID fields have been removed from the matched sessions. |
SessionsQuery Parameter List
Many Arkime Session requests support a standard set of query parameters. These parameters can be used to filter and sort the returned data. For large queries, prefer the POST method to avoid URL length limits, which allows you to include parameters in the request body (these override any URL duplicates). Ensure parameters with special characters are URL encoded when placed in the URL.
Param | Type | Default | Description |
date | number |
1 |
Perform the search from a specified number of hours ago until the present moment, where ‘-1’ indicates searching all available data. |
expression | string |
The search expression string, ensure URL encoded | |
facets | number |
0 |
1 = include the aggregation information for maps and timeline graphs. |
length | number |
100 |
The number of items to return, beginning at start parameter, max is 2,000,000 |
start | number |
0 |
The entry to start at for pagination purposes. |
startTime | number |
If the date parameter is not set, this is the start time of data to return. Format is seconds since Unix EPOC. | |
stopTime | number |
If the date parameter is not set, this is the stop time of data to return. Format is seconds since Unix EPOC. | |
view | string |
The Arkime view name to apply before the expression. | |
order | string |
Comma separated list of db field names to sort on. Data is sorted in order of the list supplied. Optionally can be followed by :asc or :desc for ascending or descending sorting. | |
fields | string |
Comma separated list of db field names to return. Default is ipProtocol, rootId, totDataBytes, client.bytes, server.bytes, firstPacket, lastPacket, source.ip, source.port, destination.ip, destination.port, network.packets, source.packets, destination.packets, network.bytes, source.bytes, destination.bytes, node, http.uri, source.geo.country_iso_code, destination.geo.country_iso_code, email.subject, email.src, email.dst, email.filename, dns.host, cert, irc.channel, http.xffGEO | |
bounding | string |
"last" |
Query sessions based on different aspects of a session’s time. Options include: ‘first’ - First Packet: the timestamp of the first packet received for the session. ‘last’ - Last Packet: The timestamp of the last packet received for the session. ‘both’ - Bounded: Both the first and last packet timestamps for the session must be inside the time window. ‘either’ - Session Overlaps: The timestamp of the first packet must be before the end of the time window AND the timestamp of the last packet must be after the start of the time window. ‘database’ - Database: The timestamp the session was written to the database. This can be up to several minutes AFTER the last packet was received. |
strictly | boolean |
false |
When set the entire session must be inside the date range to be observed, otherwise if it overlaps it is displayed. Overwrites the bounding parameter, sets bounding to ‘both’ |
Shortcut Type
The shortcut object to store lists of values that can be used in search queries.
Param | Type | Default | Description |
userId | string |
The ID of the user that created the shortcut. | |
name | string |
The name of the shortcut. | |
description | string |
The description of the shortcut to display to users. | |
number | Array.<number> |
A list of number values to use as the shortcut value. A shortcut must contain a list of numbers, strings, or ips. | |
ip | Array.<string> |
A list of ip values to use as the shortcut value. A shortcut must contain a list of numbers, strings, or ips. | |
string | Array.<string> |
A list of string values to use as the shortcut value. A shortcut must contain a list of numbers, strings, or ips. | |
users | string |
A list of userIds that have access to this shortcut. | |
roles | Array.<string> |
A list of Arkime roles that have access to this shortcut. | |
editRoles | Array.<string> |
A list of Arkime roles that have edit access to this shortcut. | |
locked | boolean |
false |
Whether the shortcut is locked and must be updated using the db.pl script (can’t be updated in the web application user interface). |
ESHealth Type
The OpenSearch/Elasticsearch cluster health status and information.
Name | Type | Description |
active_primary_shards | number |
The number of active primary shards. |
active_shards | number |
The total number of active primary and replica shards. |
active_shards_percent_as_number | number |
The ratio of active shards in the cluster expressed as a percentage. |
cluster_name | string |
The name of the arkime cluster |
delayed_unassigned_shards | number |
The number of shards whose allocation has been delayed by the timeout settings. |
initializing_shards | number |
The number of shards that are under initialization. |
molochDbVersion | number |
The arkime database version |
number_of_data_nodes | number |
The number of nodes that are dedicated data nodes. |
number_of_in_flight_fetch | number |
The number of unfinished fetches. |
number_of_nodes | number |
The number of nodes within the cluster. |
number_of_pending_tasks | number |
The number of cluster-level changes that have not yet been executed. |
relocating_shards | number |
The number of shards that are under relocation. |
status | string |
Health status of the cluster, based on the state of its primary and replica shards. Statuses are: “green” - All shards are assigned. “yellow” - All primary shards are assigned, but one or more replica shards are unassigned. If a node in the cluster fails, some data could be unavailable until that node is repaired. “red” - One or more primary shards are unassigned, so some data is unavailable. This can occur briefly during cluster startup as primary shards are assigned. |
task_max_waiting_in_queue_millis | number |
The time expressed in milliseconds since the earliest initiated task is waiting for being performed. |
timed_out | boolean |
If false the response returned within the period of time that is specified by the timeout parameter (30s by default). |
unassigned_shards | number |
The number of shards that are not allocated. |
version | string |
the elasticsearch version number |
_timeStamp | number |
timestamps in ms from unix epoc |
ArkimeRole Type
An Arkime Role
Roles are assigned to users to give them access to Arkime content
Default roles include:
arkimeAdmin - has administrative access to Arkime (can configure and update Arkime)
arkimeUser - has access to Arkime
cont3xtAdmin - has administrative access to Cont3xt (can configure and update Cont3xt)
cont3xtUser - has access to Cont3xt
parliamentAdmin - has administrative access to Parliament (can configure and update Parliament)
parliamentUser - has access to Parliament (can view and interact with Parliament Issues)
superAdmin - has access to all the applications and can configure anything
usersAdmin - has access to configure users
wiseAdmin - has administrative access to WISE (can configure and update WISE)
wiseUser - has access to WISE
ArkimeUser Type
The user object.
Param | Type | Default | Description |
userId | string |
The ID of the user. | |
userName | string |
The name of the user (to be displayed in the UI). | |
enabled | boolean |
true |
Whether the user is enabled (or disabled). Disabled users cannot access the UI or APIs. |
webEnabled | boolean |
true |
Can access the web interface. When off only APIs can be used. |
headerAuthEnabled | boolean |
false |
Can login using the web auth header. This setting doesn’t disable the password so it should be scrambled. |
emailSearch | boolean |
false |
Can perform searches for fields relating to email. |
removeEnabled | boolean |
false |
Can delete tags or delete/scrub pcap data and other deletion operations. |
packetSearch | boolean |
true |
Can create a packet search job (hunt). |
hideStats | boolean |
false |
Hide the Stats page from this user. |
hideFiles | boolean |
false |
Hide the Files page from this user. |
hidePcap | boolean |
false |
Hide PCAP (and only show metadata/session detail) for this user when they open a Session. |
disablePcapDownload | boolean |
false |
Do not allow this user to download PCAP files. |
expression | string |
An Arkime search expression that is silently added to all queries. Useful to limit what data a user can access (e.g. which nodes or IPs). | |
settings | ArkimeSettings |
The Arkime app settings. | |
notifiers | object |
A list of notifiers that the user can use. | |
columnConfigs | object |
A list of sessions table column configurations that a user has created. | |
spiviewFieldConfigs | object |
A list of SPIView page field configurations that a user has created. | |
tableStates | object |
A list of table states used to render Arkime tables as the user has configured them. | |
welcomeMsgNum | number |
0 |
The message number that a user is on. Gets incremented when a user dismisses a message. |
lastUsed | number |
The date that the user last used Arkime. Format is milliseconds since Unix EPOC. | |
timeLimit | number |
Limits the time range a user can query for. | |
roles | array |
The list of Arkime roles assigned to this user. | |
roleAssigners | array |
The list of userIds that can manage who has this (ROLE) |
ArkimeSettings Type
The settings object.
Param | Type | Default | Description |
timezone | string |
"local" |
The timezone applied to timestamps within the UI. |
detailFormat | string |
"last" |
The format to display the session packets. Options include: last used, natural, ascii, utf-8, hex. |
showTimestamps | string |
"last" |
Whether to display timestamps at the top of each packet. |
sortColumn | string |
"firstPacket" |
Which column to sort the sessions table by default. Default is start time. |
sortDirection | string |
"desc" |
Whether to sort the sessions table ascending or descending. |
spiGraph | string |
"node" |
The default field to show spigraph data for. |
connSrcField | string |
"source.ip" |
The default connections graph source node field. |
connDstField | string |
"ip.dst:port" |
The default connections graph destination node field. |
numPackets | string |
"last" |
The number of packets to show in the session packet area. |
theme | string |
"default-theme" |
The color theme to apply to the UI. Can be a name of a predefined field or a list of color codes if using a custom theme. |
manualQuery | boolean |
false |
Whether to load the sessions data by default or wait for a user to hit search manually. |
timelineDataFilters | array |
['network.packets','network.bytes','totDataBytes' |
The filters to display on the sessions timeline graph to change the graphs data. |
hideTags | string |
"\"\"" |
A comma separated list of tags to hide from sessions |
logo | string |
The optionally configurable logo to show in the top navbar. |
ArkimeColumnLayout Type
A sessions table view that can be applied.
Param | Type | Default | Description |
name | string |
The name of the column configuration. | |
order | Array.<Array> |
[["firstPacket","desc"] |
What to sort the Sessions table by. The table is sorted by the first item in the array first, then the second, and so on. Each element in the array includes first the sort field followed by whether to sort descending ([“firstPacket”, “desc”]). |
visibleHeaders | Array |
["firstPacket","lastPacket","src","source.port","dst","destination.port","network.packets","dbby","node" |
The list of Sessions table columns. |
ArkimeInfoColumnLayout Type
A sessions info view that can be applied.
Param | Type | Default | Description |
name | string |
The name of the info column configuration. | |
fields | Array |
["firstPacket","lastPacket","src","source.port","dst","destination.port","network.packets","dbby","node" |
The list of Sessions table columns. |
ArkimeView Type
A database view that can be applied to any search.
Param | Type | Description |
name | string |
The name of the view. |
expression | string |
The search expression to filter sessions. |
sessionsColConfig | ArkimeColumnConfig |
The Sessions column configuration to apply to the Sessions table when applying the view. |
user | string |
The user ID of the user who created the view. |
users | string |
The list of userIds who have access to use this view. |
roles | Array.<string> |
The list of roles who have access to use this view. |
editRoles | Array.<string> |
The list of roles who have access to edit this view. |