Arkime Architecture
Here are some sample deployments of Arkime for different network architectures. Most folks will probably run a hybrid of the following since no one solution fits all. The ability to scale capturing can be done horizontally by adding more capture machines, vertically by adding more cpus/disk, or both. We usually recommend scaling horizontally unless physically space constrained, and using a network packet broker in front of multiple machines. However it is possible to use big machines, with lots of cpu/disk, and run arkime-capture with more threads. There is a companion video for this page.
- A box represents a physical machine.
- It is possible to run multiple capture processes per machine, or have a single capture process listen to multiple interfaces - (FAQ Answer)
- Recommend “Big Data” style boxes for capture - (FAQ Answer)
- Run multiple OpenSearch/Elasticsearch processes per machine since each ES node should be configured at most to 30G - (FAQ Answer)
- Except for single host deployments, it is recommended/useful that all operator access flows through a single apache/viewer combination that can provide better authentication, logging, and a single choke point - (FAQ Answer)
- All ES instances should have iptables for port 9200-920N and 9300-930N, where N is the number of ES instances per machine, and only allow the other OpenSearch/Elasticsearch, capture and viewer machines to connect
- All viewer hosts, except the apache/viewer box, should have iptables for port 8005 and only allow other viewer machines to connect. The viewer must listen on OS interface if using multiple machines
- The shared viewer instances can listen on localhost since only apache talks to it
Single Host
A single host deployment should usually only be used for demos and extremely low traffic networks. The read/write patterns of Arkime vs OpenSearch/Elasticsearch will tax most systems using spinning disks and is not recommended.
Multiple Hosts Monitoring Multiple Network Segments
Multiple Hosts Monitoring High Traffic Networks
- Using a Network Packet Broker (NPB) allows traffic to be load balanced and recombined. This is especially useful in HA or asymmetric routing cases
- By using a NPB, other security devices can see the same traffic arkime sees
- When running multiple arkime-captures on the same host make sure the IO doesn’t over whelm the disk and other subsystems.
- Use a TAP with high traffic networks since many mirror ports drop traffic under heavy load
- Operators use an apache fronted viewer and don’t hit the other viewers directly. The apache provides authentication.
- Lock down ES and arkime viewer with iptables
Multiple Clusters
- It is possible to use a single ES cluster using the prefix= ini configuration
- Operator uses apache fronted viewers and doesn’t hit the other viewers directly. The apache provides authentication. Can use virtual paths to route to different clusters.
- NPBs are recommended for high traffic networks
Remote Device capture
In some cases, it’s not practical or possible to physical co-locate a capture server near a device we want to instrument. If the device is reachable via ssh, we can use ssh to login to the remote device, initiate a capture and stream the raw pcap data back to a arkime server. This streaming pcap data is written into a UNIX pipe. One starts a arkime capture process using the pipe as the capture interface, resulting in real-time capture instrumentation of a remote device.
Diagram with Steps to implement:
- Create named pipe on the local capture machine, you can name whatever you want:
mkfifo /tmp/
- Start capture on on the local capture machine:
/opt/arime/bin/capture --copy -r /tmp/
- Use ssh to copy the data from remote to localhost machine, exclude capturing the traffic we are sending over ssh:
ssh user@ sudo /usr/sbin/tcpdump -s0 -i ens3 -w - not host > /tmp/
(The sudo and full path to tcpdump might not be required, remember to update the ips.)
This is NOT the recommended way to use Arkime.