ES Proxy
The ES Proxy is a security oriented proxy that remote capture/viewer nodes can use instead of a real OpenSearch/Elasticsearch cluster to limit APIs used. The proxy checks the node name, password (optionally), and source IP for every request that is made. The proxy only allows API calls that a remote capture/viewer node would need to make.
An ES Proxy should be used in cases where capture/viewer nodes live on machines that are outside your control or can be accessed by many people. The ES Proxy ensures that anyone who can access a machine can only access data for that machine. ES by itself does NOT have this fine grain API access controls.
The ES Proxy also has a secondary feature where it can send traffic to a secondary OpenSearch/Elasticsearch cluster. This is useful when migrating to a new cluster.
Let’s say you have a node in Toronto and a node in Singapore, and a bad actor gets access to the Toronto machine. If there is no ES Proxy set up, the bad actor could make API calls from the Toronto machine to return Singapore sessions. But if the Toronto machine can only talk to an ES Proxy, they would not be able to do ANY session searches or ANY actions that only a central viewer should do. The bad actor would only be able to access data about Toronto sessions, NOT Singapore sessions.
In the following configuration example we will use the node names toronto01
and singapore01
There are 2 required sections in the esproxy.ini file, [default]
and [esproxy-sensors]
[default] section
Setting | Default | Description |
caTrustFile | EMPTY | See settings page |
debug | 0 | The debug level to use if NO –debug options are given. The higher the number, the more information is logged. |
elasticsearch | http://localhost:9200 | The OpenSearch/Elasticsearch URL to use, dbUrl overrides this setting |
elasticsearchAPIKey | EMPTY | See settings page |
elasticsearchBasicAuth | EMPTY | See settings page |
elasticsearchTimeout | 300 | See settings page |
esClientCert | EMPTY | See settings page |
esClientKey | EMPTY | See settings page |
esClientKeyPass | EMPTY | See settings page |
esProxyHost | EMPTY | The ip used to listen, usually localhost for just the localhost or for all ips, see the host host section |
esProxyPort | 7200 | Port that esProxy listens on |
prefix | EMPTY | It is possible for multiple Arkime clusters to use the same OpenSearch/Elasticsearch cluster by giving each Arkime cluster a different prefix value. The prefix value will be used in all index names that Arkime creates. |
[default] # The OpenSearch/Elasticsearch server to proxy requests for. # Make sure the capture/viewer nodes can NOT access OpenSearch/Elasticsearch directly. elasticsearch= # What port we listen to for connections from the capture/viewer nodes esProxyPort=9999 # If set, our cert and key, setting these enables https for the proxy #certFile=/path/tls.cert.pem #keyFile=/path/tls.key.pem
[esproxy-sensors] section
The [esproxy-sensors] section has a line for each sensor, with a list of semicolon seperated parameters.
The key for the line should be the nodename of the sensor, and it will be the username used in config.ini
for the remote capture/viewer OpenSearch/Elasticsearch configuration.
[esproxy-sensors] THE_NODE=pass:THE_PASSWORD;ip:THE_IP toronto01=pass:torontorules;ip: singapore01=ip:
In the Toronto config.ini
you would use elasticsearch=http://toronto01:torontorules@the.esproxyhost:9999
In the Singapore config.ini
you would use elasticsearch=http://singapore01:@the.esproxyhost:9999
(notice it does not have a password).
For both of these the source IP address would be checked, so that another machine couldn’t pretend it was toronto01 even if it had the user/password.
setting in the [default]
section, which may or may not include the real OpenSearch/Elasticsearch user/pass.
[tee] section
Since 3.4.0 the ES Proxy allows you to send a copy of all OpenSearch/Elasticsearch calls to a second cluster. This is extremely useful when you are trying to bring up a new cluster and want to write to 2 OpenSearch/Elasticsearch clusters but still read from the old cluster. The tee section supports the following settings: elasticsearch elasticsearchAPIKey elasticsearchBasicAuth So for example with the following example configuration any incoming requests, like a bulk insert or update will be sent to both oldes cluster and newes cluster, however the results from newes cluster will be ignored. Only the results from the oldes cluster will be sent back to viewer.
[default] elasticsearch=http://oldes:9200 [tee] elasticsearch=http://newes:9200